Citrus Resources Lencia Bathroom Cleaner and Maintainer 1Lt, 5Lt
- Product Code:
- 1Lt Lencia 165138
- 5Lt Lencia 165140
LENCIA is designed to be sprayed and left on the surface where it will continue to act on bathroom grime, mould, and mildew. Spraying daily dissolves bathroom scum, calcium build-up and prevents mould forming. It can be used on showers, baths, basins, ceramic tiles, toilets, and urinals.
Spray and Forget, No Scrub and No Rinse
- Endorsed with the Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) mark.
- Natural ingredients act as mildewcide/ mouldicide.
- Daily use prevents soap scum build up and mould growth.
- Concentrated economical formulation.
- Formulated for easy spray and leave application, reducing cleaning times.
- Fresh natural aroma provides a lingering freshness.
- pH: 1.0 – 2.0
Contains: Lactic Acid less than 10%, Surfactant blend 5 – 15%, Other non-hazardous ingredients less than 1% and Water to 100%
Shower Cleaning – 1 to 10 parts water
(Daily application)
- Using a spray bottle with foaming trigger, generously spray shower/fixtures after use.
- Spray enough detergent to wet all surfaces then leave to dry.
- The flushing of next use will wash away soap scum and help prevent soil build-up.
Initial clean – 1 to 1 part water
(Shock treatment)
- For immediate results, squirt directly over surface or pour onto a white scour and wipe.
- over surface, lightly agitating.
- Allow to stand for a few minutes and pressure flush off with clean water.
- On heavily soiled surfaces scrub grout lines to remove black deposits.
- Leave on surface for at least 10 minutes prior to rinsing.
Walls and ceilings – 1 to 10 parts water
- Using on painted bathroom walls above the tile line to remove mildew and the spores causing mildew growth. Regular use will keep mildew away.
Floor tiles – 1 to 100 parts water
- Suitable for mopping ceramic floor tiles