Agi Safe Acidic Organic Salt Concrete Truck AUTO Agitator Cleaner 25L (26205-25)

High-strength organic salt cement/mortar cleaner/remover to maximise efficient concrete removal power.

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Agi Safe Acidic Organic Salt Concrete Truck Agitator Cleaner 25L (26205-25)

GI-SAFE is a unique low hazard concrete remover / cleaner, formulated with new organic salt
technology. Designed for cleaning Concrete Trucks and Agitators, AGI-SAFE contains no strong mineral
acids, is non-fuming and is non-corrosive to the skin and most metals.

AGI-SAFE replaces dangerous hydrochloric and other mineral acids to allow the safe cleaning and
removal of concrete spillage from concrete trucks and agitators, transfer equipment, brickwork,
formwork and shuttering etc. AGI-SAFE is a safe organic salt, which is only ‘activated’ upon contact
with the calcium and magnesium minerals present in concrete and mortars.

AGI-SAFE contains the latest advances in special wetting agents and this detergency ensure ultimate
fast action and aids streak free finishing, meaning AGI-SAFE is also an effective cleaner for the removal
of road grime, light rust and oxides, oil, grease etc, from vehicles and manufacturing plants.

AGI-SAFE is a concentrated product, so as such, is classified as a ‘dangerous good’ (Class 8) for
transport according to the ADG code. However, at working concentrations of 50% or less, (diluted 1:1
with water) is classified as non DG for transport. At in use concentrations AGI-SAFE is harmless to most
paints and finishes. If applied correctly, it will leave paintwork clean and free of oxides.
As an additional safeguard, AGI-SAFE also contains a powerful corrosion inhibitor proven to protect
ferrous metals from attack. Recent Laboratory corrosion testing show AGI-SAFE to inhibit corrosion to
99.8%. Weight loss in testing was half that of competitor product (Lab report available).

APPEARANCE Clear Red liquid
FLASHPOINT Nil (Non Flammable)
pH 1.0 – 2.0
CORROSION Non-corrosive to most metals except zinc coated / Galvanized metals, and marble / stone

AGI-SAFE is supplied as a concentrate to be diluted ready for use. Dilution can be effectively used at
strengths from 10% to 40%, and a recommended maximum of 50% for the most ‘stubborn’ of deposits,
i.e. a 1:1 dilution with water. AGI-SAFE can be diluted via an educator style dispenser, or made up in
suitable tank / plastic container and applied manually via brushing or insert items to be cleaned into
Time to clean will be dependant on severity of concrete deposit / dilution of AGI-SAFE and
For vehicle / truck agitator applications, AGI-SAFE is best applied by wiping or brushing onto surfaces
to be cleaned, leave for two to five minutes and rinse off with clean mains pressure water.
Although the in-use concentrations of AGI-SAFE are classified as non-hazardous, it is recommended, in
line with good operational procedure that gloves and eye protection should be worn when product is
being used. Refer to material Safety data sheet for further information.

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