CASTLE CHEM Foamklor SMS Soft Metal Safe Chlorinated Foaming Alkaline Detergent 15L (29115-15)

  • Perfect for Cleaning METAL Equipment
  • Heavy Duty: For effective cleaning of food based proteinaceous and organic soils.
  • Soft Metal Safe: Safe for use on Aluminium, soft alloys, Brass, Copper Stainless steels and common
    plastic of plant construction.
  • Non Silicated: No potential for hard silicate scales, or white streaking. High Foam: For extra contact

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CASTLE CHEM Foamklor SMS Soft Metal Equipment Safe Cleaner 15L

FOAMKLOR SMS represents the latest generation of technology in alkaline chlorinated foaming detergents.
Following extensive research and development, FOAMKLOR SMS has been carefully formulated to combine
the powerful cleaning properties of foaming alkaline detergents and microbiocidal action of chlorine, with a
specialised Soft Metal corrosion inhibitor system. FOAMKLOR SMS is suitable for use on soft metals, stainless
steels and most construction materials found in foam cleaning applications.
• Heavy Duty: For effective cleaning of food based proteinaceous and organic soils.
• Soft Metal Safe: Safe for use on Aluminium, soft alloys, Brass, Copper Stainless steels and common
plastic of plant construction.
• Non Silicated: No potential for hard silicate scales, or white streaking. High Foam: For extra contact
• Flat Rinse: For minimising rinse water usage.
• Biocidal: For thorough microbiocidal control and sanitisation.

FOAMKLOR SMS is best suited to the removal of soils in food and beverage installations, dairies, breweries
and red and white meat processing establishments. With its corrosion inhibited formula, FOAMKLOR SMS
can be used as an ‘all over’ external cleaner, safely foamed over processing equipment, walls floors and

FOAMKLOR SMS may be used at a dilution of between 1:50 to 1:20 (2 to 5%) in water; final concentration will
be soil loading dependant. For best application use Castle Foaming applicator gun system and the following
as a suggested procedure.
1) Rinse equipment and surfaces with hose to wet and loosen soils.
2) Apply FOAMKLOR SMS with foaming gun to all surfaces.
3) Allow contact time of 5 to 15 minutes.
4) For best results, agitate (scrub) surfaces.
5) Rinse thoroughly with potable water to break foam.

The FOAMKLOR SMS formulation has been built with special water-conditioning agents to ensure that its
bacterial and detergency characteristics are retained in waters up to 300 parts per million total water

As a Chlorinated foaming cleaner FOAMKLOR SMS is effective against a wide range of micro-organisms
including: Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, etc and against yeasts (eg. Hansenula), moulds (eg. Aspergillus Niger), fungi (eg.
Trichophyton species), and the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Fitness For Purpose:
1) An FFP – Fit For Purpose Statement is available for this product when used in an export meat facility.

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